Wherever He leads I'll go

Archive for April, 2013

It won’t be long now…

I haven’t posted in quite a while…mainly because there is so much to do before I head out again. I figured I would give you all a quick update though.

Daddy smallerMany of you already know my dad had triple bypass surgery. It all happened so quickly but with everyone praying he was home before we knew it and is healing quickly. God is good!

I’ve had the privilege of speaking at several churches and I only hope that they have been as blessed by me as I have been by all of them. I’ve been working toward raising the funds I need to take care of the summer, fall and winter mission trips and I’m about halfway there. Again, God is good!

This summer is coming together wonderfully. I’ve got a good group of 11 from Western Series-Indian Summer smallerTwin Bridges Baptist Church in Alexandria and Pisgah Baptist Church in Forest Hill who are going with me to the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State. We’ll be doing clean up, backyard Bible clubs, prayer walking and fellowship. I have another group of approximately 12 from North Monroe Baptist Church who are going with me to do a Basketball camp at the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota.

I’ll be going with Twin Bridges Baptist Church to a reservation in Oklahoma and with Open Door Missions to minister in New Mexico. We’ll be doing Vacation Bible Schools and Revival Services with both of these groups.

20 smallerChristmas is also on my mind! Mission Ventures will be doing Christmas shoeboxes again this year and I hope to include more than one reservation. If any of you are interested in participating in this ministry just let me know.

As always, I covet your prayers. Please pray for all of these mission that are goingWestern Series-Gods Promise Final smaller on throughout the summer, fall and winter. Pray that many come to know Christ. Pray that there are workers to help the new converts become true disciples. Pray that more Native Americans rise up and become leaders in the midst of their own people. Pray for safe travel for everyone and for finances to cover everything that needs to be done. Pray about how you can be a part of all of it. Pray for our health and even our vehicles. You can never pray too much!

I’ll be heading out around mid May but I plan to get another newsletter out before I go so be on the lookout for it.

God bless you all and I’ll keep you posted!